We thank the following team members for their contributions: Aarti Reddy, Ajith Kumara, Beryl Ereman, Alexander Kama Tomba, Chia Yong Ling, Dipti Vaghela, Jessica Rivas, Lara Powell, Moses Musalaki Kima, Porferio Jun Jabla, Jr., Tony Kalupahana, and Wong Poh Yoke.
A special thanks goes to the team at the Yamog Renewable Energy Development Group, Inc. for its fiscal hostship.

Volume I focuses on contexts where near-universal access to electricity has been achieved (though with varying quality, reliability and affordability), and where countries are still relying heavily on imported fossil fuels. A growing number of SIDS are adopting targets and policies to incorporate substantial amounts of renewable energy into their electricity supply mix and to use them for energy generation in agriculture, fisheries, and maritime transport. SIDS will require greater financial and human resources to implement renewable energy systematically in the coming decade. Arrangements for sustainable finance, technology transfer, institutional capacity- building and local skills building will be key.

Volume II features contexts having significant unelectrified populations and the opportunity to leapfrog to renewables-based energy access. The least-electrified SIDS are now at a crossroads to meet universal energy access. Instead of increasing access through imported fossil fuels, they can pursue decentralised renewable energy solutions, with significant economic, well-being, health, and environmental gains to be had. Local practitioners of decentralized renewable energy solutions in least-electrified SIDS have started to establish local value chains for electricity generation using biomass gasification, small-scale hydro, and solar PV. The report offers case studies on Guinea-Bissau, Papua New Guinea, and Vanuatu including hydro mini-grids that have been running for nearly 40 years, enabling equitable healthcare, local socioeconomic development, and climate resilience to marginalized regions.
Check out the videos below to hear about examples from Papua New Guinea.
Webinar: SIDS Navigating the Energy Transition Crossroads
IRENA held a webinar on March 28, 2024 to present key findings. The webinar featured presentations of key findings from each report, as well as insight from multi-actors experts on the progress, challenges, mechanisms, and potential benefits of the above two SIDS energy transition contexts accelerating renewable energy scale up.
Watch the webinar recording to hear about inspiring hydro mini-grid projects in Papua New Guinea providing high quality healthcare to marginalized communities.